How to Buy eBooks From Amazon Kindle Store Using GCash

 Amazon Kindle is a great source of eBooks ranging from recently published books to classical books. Reading has become more convenient and affordable as Amazon Kindle offers deals as low as $0.99 per eBook every day. What’s even more amazing is that thousands of free eBooks are also available at your fingertips! 

You don’t need to spend a lot to enjoy reading. If you are living in the Philippines and you want to start your reading life, you can buy interesting fiction and nonfiction books on Amazon Kindle using Globe’s digital wallet, GCash, through American Express. 

I presume that you already have an Amazon account and GCash American Express Virtual Pay. Make sure that you have enough funds in your Gcash account before purchasing an e-book. If you don’t have a GCash account and American Express Virtual Pay yet, you may go to Gcash's website to know more.

Here are the steps:

Add American Express Virtual Pay as your New Payment Method

1.Go to Account & Lists on the upper right corner of the screen. Click the drop-down menu and choose Your Account. 

2.Click Your Payments. 

3.Choose Add a credit or debit cards.

4.Enter the details in the fields and click Add your card, and then add
your mailing address. 

Where to get GCash American Express Virtual Pay details?

1.Log-in to your GCash App and click Show More. 
2.Scroll down and click Pay Online under Lifestyle & Shopping.

3.Choose Pay with American Express Virtual Pay. 

4.Get the Card No. and Card Expiry Date and enter them in their respective fields on Amazon. 

You are now ready to buy your eBooks!

  1. Go to the Amazon Kindle Store.

  2. Click the eBook you want to purchase. 

  3. Click Buy now with 1-Click. 

  4. The eBook will be delivered immediately on your Amazon Kindle app or Amazon Kindle device. 

  5. Download the eBook and enjoy reading!

GCash will send you an SMS notifying you that you successfully ordered the eBook. The message also includes the remaining balance of your GCash account.